Monday, June 14, 2010

Molokai Mahina MoonBot Team MashUps and Improvements!

The team decided that since we got called out for having a creative theme song by one of the judges, that we would show them just how creative we can be and put together a Molokai Mahina MoonBot team mashup of songs!! We arent ready to post it yet, but it does include some pretty awesome songs and A LOT of creativity, so check back!! :)

Today we are also working on finishing up our robot, we found some treads that fit perfectly on our newly improved larger tires. This is extra exciting for us because the larger tires worked great over the craters but were not very sturdy- we decided to put two tires on each axle and then the tread on the outside. So far so good! We even got extra creative and turned the treads inside out because the design was better for climbing the crater wall!

Here is a video of our newly improved tires- up close!

Here is the view from our Molokai Mahina MoonBot Monster! :)

Here is what our Robot looks like when it is going over the craters- its a pretty bumpy ride, but a HUGE improvement over what it used to look like!!

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