Today we were in class and one of the students, Michael, says this: "Mrs. Whitted I think our blog for today should be called 'Communication' because Alex and I just spent the last 20 minutes working on different ideas for the same piece of the robot and didn't know the other one was working on it!" :) Good idea Michael!
So in today's 4 hour class we finalized our video essay! We took information from piles of books, various websites, former University of Arizona Astronomy professor (who was even impressed with the originality of our idea!!) and our previous knowledge to put together a (hopefully) entertaining presentation. Now we just need to cut 4 minutes off of our time to keep it under the 3 minute limit...
We also made a little bit of progress on our robot. We are still having a hard time figuring out what we think is the best way to complete the mission. Each time someone comes up with an idea then another person branches off of that and creates a new idea! Its really great to see the kids excited about learning and creating a one of a kind robot, but we are almost out of time and need to start finalizing our design!!
We are hoping to record our essay at Mondays class and use the rest of the week to work, work, work on our robot design. 

a hui hou,
Alex, 'Awa, Erik, Michael, Moriah: good job, guys and girls! Don't forget to practice your script between homework and the Boston Red Sox game!
P.S. Thanks to Alex and her family for Saturday's snack buffet (sandwiches, Oreos, juice boxes, animal crackers, cheesesticks, and Squeeze-n-Bites).
Go Robot team, go to the moon and beyond!
Thanks Uncle Mark (from Quebec!). I know you five Moloka'i Mahina Moonbot-ers were working hard--you deserved every one of the 36 chocolate chip cookies that were made for you today!!!
Aloha Mark! Thank you for checking out and commenting on our blog!
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