We have been so busy working on this project!! We have met everyday for at least 2 hours, plus each night we all have 1 hour (or more!) of homework!

It looks like as of today we finally have our essay mostly finalized and ready to tape on Monday. We really want to make sure each and every person on the team has a part that they are committed and dedicated to!
We have also been (joyfully!) slaving away at our robot design. Earlier in the week we decided to go ahead and stick with wheels instead of treads and that seems to be working out. So far we have a great idea for our wheels, we just have to figure out how to attach everything together! Only using three motors has been somewhat of an issue for us, but we are still problem solving! We will hopefully be solving some of those robot problems tomorrow!
We decided to give uploading images and videos a try in this post, just to make sure that when it is time to upload the robot design and video essay everything will work out great! So here we go!
Here are some pictures of us working today!!
I love the three second video, Coach! :)
haha ya the 3 sec video is cool ill be realy excited to c how it will turn out....o BTW Michael sent me an e-mail about ur projet thought i would check it out looks supper cool :)
<3 Stacy Buse
Thanks Stacy for checking out and commenting on or blog! We are really excited to see how the robot turns out too!! Right now we are working on the digital design of it, as soon as that is done we will post it so you can see what the final product "should" look like! :)
that would be awesome i cant wait its a suprize in its self :) but so far so good keep up the great work guys!!!
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